ForumsThird-Party Applications

Discuss or get help with any third-party applications built on top of Toodledo.

Third-Party Applications Forum
  Topic Author Posts
Iphone Pocket Informant / Outlook/Toodledo sync issues pauldcullen 4
Workaround for Outlook flagged emails/to do tommysuriwong 1
100% CPU usage by Outlook Sync Application by Chormatic Dragon paul 3
Outlook Sync fred 2
Outlook repeating tasks magically multiplying using toodledosync drshilling 1
Outlook sync just stopped working sbsmardan 3
ToodledoSync Application-Can be installed on multiple machines? sslevine 3
Who's the culprit? Tasks older than xx monthes not syncronized sslevine 2
Error -- Limited # of items open kbockman 1
cannot re download lombardi 2
Toodledo to iPhone only synchs in one direction? eric.schaeffer 11
Outlook sync not putting tasks into the right folder ostrowsp 6
Outlook no longer syncs petefam 5
Missing outlook categories christoph.biallas 2
Sync to Outlook error in xml document (4267,8) keith.cooper.fla 7

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