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New Section: Lists
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Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jun 10, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
A few more days. Then we submit to Apple and they review it for 1-2 weeks.

Posted: Jun 16, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Any chance of getting a global "reset all checked items" for Lists any time? I think this was first requested in 2013.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jun 17, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
It's on our todo list, but we don't know when we'll be able to get to that one.

Posted: Jun 21, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Which android-version will support the lists feature?

This message was edited Jun 21, 2015.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jun 22, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
We don't know yet. We are still working on this. We'll let you know when we announce it.

Posted: Jun 30, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Do you have an estimate of when Lists will be added to the Android app?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jul 02, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
I do not have an estimate, but it will be soon.

Posted: Jul 21, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
My app won't open on my iPhone 5C using iOS 8.4. This happened with the latest update which includes Lists. Is this a known issue?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jul 21, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
What happens when you tried to open the app?

Posted: Jul 22, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
It looks like it will open, then it just disappears. However, if I double-click the button at the bottom of the phone to see what apps are open, it appears there. I can see the Announcements page in miniature. When I touch it to open from there, it enlarges then disappears again.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jul 22, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Can you please create a support ticket for this so that we can look into your account and see what the problem is?


Posted: Jul 27, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Are there still plans to be able to add an attachment to list rows?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jul 27, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Yes, this is on our todo list.

Posted: Aug 27, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Is there a way to format the date in a list item? It is currently formatted as "MMM dd, yyyy". I prefer it in "MM/dd/yyyy"

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Aug 27, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Not yet, but we will add this in the future.

Posted: Nov 11, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Yes I needed lists so had to go to evernote. Lists is now available but not on the Google app so all doors me no good. What us a list good for if you can't take it with you? When is it going to be an available feature for my Google phone?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Nov 11, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
We are rolling out the Lists feature to our Android app now. It should be generally available by the end of the week. You can also use the Lists section in the Android web browser if you want it now.
Don Epp

Posted: Nov 25, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Is there a way, or is it planned, to be able to add a Task from our Task list, to one of our "To Do" Lists in the Lists section?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Nov 28, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Currently "copy and paste" is the only way to transfer an item between sections on Toodledo.

Posted: Dec 19, 2015
Score: -1 Reference
I'm really excited about the Lists functionality. There is still a little ways to go IMHO to get it to the point of compelling me to go with a Pro subscription though. Lists has to at least offer multi-line text boxes so that you can see the whole list text on all the platforms - web, iPhone, iPad. It's just not practical to scroll through the tiny entry area to read a long item.
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